This is probably the most important article you will read before starting a blog. Everything about the niche to be outlined regarding the blog will decide success or failure based on this lack of knowledge.
There are countless people who started a blog and quit it before they could have discovered the glory they were destined to.
Profitable Blog Niche
In here, I found that most of them were somewhat similar to a single voice.
I quit because I could no longer drive blog traffic.
I quit because I could not make money.
I was unsuccessful
I wasn't lucky enough.
For me, it is dis-hearting to hear this as know that the issue is not the hard work to these quitters but lack of understanding of profitable blogging and especially zero understanding of blog niche.
Now today, I unwrap the mystery of niche selection that becomes the cornerstone to create a profitable blogging business.
This is a long read and you should also bookmark this guide for future reference. Grab a mug full of coffee or green tea and close every distraction.
Read every word with the intention of learning something new and you would not only find success in your next blog but avoid the mistakes in the niche that makes most bloggers unsuccessful.
Niche selection is definitely the no 1 step for becomingsuccessful with profitable bogging but you should not be stuck at this stage for too long. There are many more challenges that are waiting and you should complete the entire process of niche selection within a week.
Even if it meant you have selected the wrong niche you can always course correct later. The key have selected the wrong niche you can always course-correct later. The key here is not to get stuck un the process of niche selection.
Hooked onto the wrong niche:
(It's okay, I'll get it). Such thought process often becomes frustrating in the near future and finally you stop working for your blog.
Often when you realize that you are actually making the wrong website niche, you will have an option of making a new website in a new niche and then make it work for you. In fact your second blog might work as a success since you will be applying what you have been doing in one blog into a new one.
From my 3 years of blogging experience, every new blog succeeds faster than the previous one. So, without fear, do not leave your old niche; you can start a new one if you come to realize that your old niche is too saturated or you have lost interest in it.
Take all this advice with a grain of salt and do some thinking about it before making any decision regarding the change in your niche. If you are a member of Short University You can always ask me about your niche.
Without research, failure occurs.
If your aim is to build sustainable business/ income stream from the blogging efforts, then you have to spend some time researching and using data to pink a niche.
This process may take 2/3 days before you could start your blog. However, such an exercise alone will help you validate your idea of where your decision is not just based on passion or gut feelings.
Contrary to this gut feeling is not a bad thing provided you are well-nurtured with the right information before launching your blog.
Most beginners start their blog by focusing mostly on AdSense. This is largely because of ignorance and the same cannot be used as the only parameter to judge to pick the profitable niche
You need to widen your horizons and target the niche that offers and option for multiple monetization avenues
This may be in the form of (but not limited to)
Direct advertisers
Online courses
Affiliate programs
Getting into a generic niche:
A generic niche is a broad niche which is usually high competition and very broad. For example, health niche, tech niche, fashion niche.
A better way to look into it is to focus on a niche within a niche-a specialized narrow niche within a broad niche.
That would be just enough to make sure your blog becomes popular, full of traffic, and even money-generating.
Additionally, you become a specialized expert as you shall be devoting such a monumental amount of time in researching, learning, and writing on one focused topic.
What Are The Benefits of Niche Selection
More Loyal Users:
Getting into the right niche also allows you to attract like-minded users. Since your blog is going to be about one topic, your getting into the right niche also allows you to attract like-minded users.
Since your blog is going to be about one topic, your readers are more likely to stick around.
You would notice that you have less bounce rate, high avg page on time and your community would expand. All these processes might take some time initially, but someday everything would change in an instant.
Google Love More Traffic:
Since you're going to depend on data when selecting the niche, the chances of your building a high-traffic blog would be relatively high. Also, since you're working in a laser-focused niche, you are more likely to be rewarded by Google in terms of organic traffic.
Marketing Gets Easier:
This reason alone will force you to spend enough time selecting a niche. When you have a focused blog your marketing efforts become a bit easier than an unfocused blog and you would see better results with fewer efforts.
You Might Become an Expert:
You learn slowly, but as you spend regular time daily learning about one subject, eventually you'll end up being top 1 percent to 5 percent in that particular field. The best part is that you would not even realize how you gained such kind of knowledge, as your hunger for learning more will never end. This difference you will notice mainly either by others or by you when you compare your recent writings with the old ones.
More Mullah
Once your blog starts getting popularity, then you are approached by the advertisers. This stage of your career will be game-changer as your primary niche selection will prove making you earn more as compared to your peers.
As the laser-focused niche would require high CTR from the hyper-targeted audience this is going to be maximum mullah. In one of a niche that I have worked on. It netted more than 12000$ on a single day because I was in a focused niche. Now you may or may not repeat the same result as mine but you will definitely be better off than starting a blog without niche selection.