Top Free Blogging Courses & Tutorials Online - Manzar Rehman

Hello everyone, welcome back my website am Manzar Rehman. Yesterday, I uploaded a article where I showed the earnings of my blog. After that. I received many messages and comments suggesting that I should start a complete course on Blogger. So, here is some good news for all of you. This is the first class of our blogging course  the Introduction Class.

Top Free Blogging Courses & Tutorials Online - Manzar Rehman

In this course you will learn everything about blogging from creating a blog to getting it approved for AdSense. After completing this course I hope you will be able to earn money online while sitting at home with your own website. I will guide you step by step on how to create a Blogger account how to get it approved with AdSense and manage everything in between.  


How to Create Account on Blogger

I need your support for this course. Read the article care fully and share your friends. Creating a course on any topic is a challenging task. The biggest challenge is that course creators often don not get a good response. On the other hand writing article on different topics usually brings better engagement.

Everyone knowing this. I am starting this course series because I believe you all will support me. Your support and motivation will help me continue this journey. So, I request all of you to share your friends and engage with the website to keep me motivated.  

In this course you will learn how to:  

  • Create a Blogger account.  
  • Buy a domain and attach it to your website.  
  • Write articles and optimize your website for SEO.  
  • Install and change themes.  
  • Post content and index it properly.  

Many people know how to get their blogs approved but struggle to generate earnings. This is a separate topic and we will discuss it in detail later. I will also teach you how to increase your blog earnings early.

If you complete this course Inshallah, you will be able to run your own website and generate a good income while working from home. I will try to upload a new article daily so that you can learn consistently.

I will include a link to the course in the between of each articles so that you can read the articles step by step. I request those who have not subscribed to my channel yet to please subscribe and hit the bell icon so that you get notified about new videos.  

Click that red subscribe button with all your energy and do not forget to like this article and comments. If you found this helpful please support me by comments and sharing.  

See you in the next articles

Good By

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